Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mmm .. Kiss. Metro testar rockvinerna – Metro

Mmm .. Kiss. Metro testar rockvinerna – Metro

Metro (Swedish edition) try out the Rock n Roll wines. Or at least the wines named after Rock Bands.
Pink Floyd, Motörhead, Rolling Stones, Kiss and Kent all got their own wine.
Propably not the wine of their choise, but still licenced as their brand wine. Why did some comedian licence Pink  Floyd´s to a pink rosé, haha if I tickle myself under the arm I might laught.

First of all, why? Then, why did Motörhead sell their logo to a wine and not a beer or a whiskey. Why did some comedian licence Pink  Floyd´s to a pink rosé, haha, if I tickle myself under the arm I might laught. Is the next new thing to license LSD with Pink Floyd logo, Motörhead Speed, Keith Richard licensed Heroin?
The test panel contained the drummer from Crucify Barbara a Radio Dj and a wine expert.

Which one was the best wine? Kent got the best rating. Motörhead the worst.

Kiss in Swedish means Piss. So they drink kiss (piss) in Swedish. I tickle myself under the arm
in an attempt to laugh.

BTW, Motörhead got a vodka as well.

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