Friday, June 28, 2013

Les Cadavres - Media Controle

Les Cadavres - Media Controle (Fra)
From the album "Le Bonheur c'est Simple Comme un Coup de Fil" (1991)


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Rancid - Roots Radicals [Official Video] Let´s Have a Rancid Tuesday

Let´s Have a Rancid Tuesday....

Rancid - Roots Radicals (US)
from the album "...And Out Came The Wolves... " (1995)


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Hudson Falcons - Don't Let the Bastards Bring You Down

Hudson Falcons - Don't Let the Bastards Bring You Down (US)
Dancing Underneath The Moonlight (2011)


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Headcleaners - Disinfection 7" (whole record)

Headcleaners - Disinfection (Swe)
7" "Disinfection (1981)

Dying In A Maze                                                     
Kill The Royalties                                                    
Death Threat

Where Is                                       
Over The Wall                             
Police Perversities


Friday, June 21, 2013

Strebers Midsommarvisa

Strebers - Midsommarvisa (Swe)
From the Album "Kallt Stål Varmt Blod" (1992)


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Psykbryt - Moder Svea på REA (studio)

Psykbryt - Moder Svea på rea (Swe)
From the album "...och ingen brydde sig ett jota" (2012)


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Monday, June 17, 2013

Barb wire Dolls at Greece Got Talent

Barb Wire Dolls (GRE/US)
Takes the piss at Greece got Talent!

Hahaha, hilarious!
Look at the lady in the Jury, hahaha, someone woke up on the wrong side.


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Voice Of A Generation - Baseballbat

Voice Of A Generation - Baseballbat (Swe)
From the album "The Final Oddition" (1999)


Bastards On Parade - Time To Go Out

Bastards On Parade - Time To Go Out (Spa)
From the EP "Shallow Waters" (2012)


Social Distortion - Reach for the sky

Social Distortion - Reach For The Sky (US)
From the album "Sex, Love and Rock n Roll" (2004)


Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Decline of Western Civilization (out take)

From the Docu The Decline of Western Civilization part 1

From a time when Punk still was in the shocking phase


Bad Religion - Punk Rock Song

Bad Religion - Punk Rock Song (US)
From the album "The Grey Race" (1996)


Lap Dogs - Domus restaurant (Demo)

Lap Dogs - Domus restaurant (Early Demo)  (Swe)
Song written in 1982 - demo recorded 2009

Friday, June 14, 2013

The Incredible Staggers - Little Sister

The Increadible Staggers - Little Sister (Aut)
From Austrian TV (2007)


Black Sabbath - End of the Beginning

Black Sabbath - End of the Beginning (UK)
From "13" (2013)


Toy Dolls - She Goes To Finos

Toy Dolls - She Goes To Finos (UK)
From the compilation "Strength thru Oi!" (1981)


Thursday, June 13, 2013

John Lydon - Johnny Rotten - on Bono and Brad Pitt

Another Johnny talk too much after a few pints video!


Barb Wire Dolls - Revolution

Barb Wire Dolls - Revolution (Gre/US)
From the album "Slit" (2013)
Official video


Texas Terri & the Stiff Ones - Me Mad

Texas Terri & the Stiff Ones - Me Mad (US)
From "Eat Shit" (1998)


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sorry, I fucked it up yesterday...

Sometimes you do stuff you regret, like yesterdays Asta Kask record review. It is a piece of shit review, forget about it. It was hard to write and I fucked it up. Bear that in mind reading it. On the other hand, done is done.


Rancid - Wrongful Suspicion / Corazon De Oro

Let´s have a Rancid Tuesday

Rancid - Wrongful Suspicion (US)
From the album "Life Won´t Wait" (1998)

Rancid - Corazon D´Oro (US)
From the album "Life Won´t Wait" (1998)


Monday, June 10, 2013

Protestera mot att Debaser Slussen blivit uppsagt i förtid.

1,2, FYPR give (cyber)space to rock club Debaser to protest against town hall in Stockholm. The words are Debasers and in Swedish only (sorry)


Publicerat: Ons 5 Jun

Debaser Slussen är uppsagd till sista september i år. Av stadens tjänstemän får vi veta att det är på grund av att förberedelser för "Nya Slussen" ska börja.

Stadens förslag "Nya Slussen" har inte klarat sig igenom de juridiska processerna ännu och kommer inte att kunna göra det på väldigt lång tid. Vi anser alltså att vårt uppsägningsdatum är satt långt innan arbetet med "Nya Slussen" lagligen får påbörjas.

Om "Nya Slussen" eventuellt blir godkänt i Mark och Miljödomstolen återstår fortfarande tre processer:

"Nya Slussen" förutsätter en bussterminal i Katarinaberget. Den har överklagats till Mark och Miljödomstolen. Sen krävs också ny tredimensionell fastighetsbildning och expropriation för nya bergrum i Katarinaberget. Det kan ta lång tid eftersom flera berörda fastighetsägare sagt att de inte kommer att vara "samarbetsvilliga".

Mark- och miljödomstolen kan inte besluta om dom i miljö- och vattenfrågan förrän alla planer för Slussen trätt i laga kraft. De har tidigare planerat huvudförhandling till i höst men den blir med all säkerhet senarelagd.

När vi ifrågasatt hur staden kan påbörja arbetet med "Nya Slussen" innan de juridiska processerna är klara, har stadens tjänstemän svarat att denna process är för omfattande för att stoppas nu. "Förslaget kommer att gå igenom" är svaret vi har fått från vad som snarast känns som hjärntvättade tjänstemän, som tar sina order från våra högsta politiker i Stockholms Stad med Sten Nordin i spetsen. Det låter på både politiker och tjänstemän som att den mångmiljonsrättsprocess staden är mitt i, bara är ett spel för galleriet?!

Allt tyder på att Sten Nordin och kompani ska genomföra detta förslag till vilket pris som helst. De har mutat sig fria från Glashusets protester genom att kompensera Glashusets ägare med markhyra och byggrätter, betalade av skattebetalarna i Stockholm. Det kan väl ändå inte vara lagligt? De har tagit in experter från olika områden, men då experterna yttrat sig negativt om förslaget, så har de helt sonika plockats bort och ersatts med någon som kunnat presentera den bild ”Nya-Slussen-projektet” velat ha. Se SvDs artikel-serie.

Hela "Nya Slussen"-förslaget har redan kostat en stor summapengar, bland annat pga opinionsarbete, innan det ens har satt igång, och de som ska betala är Stockholms invånare. Kranskommunerna och staten har sagt nej till att dela på notan.

Innan Glashuset fick sin del av kakan, och innan bussgaraget i Katarinaberget planerats in, räknade man med att "Nya Slussen" skulle kosta 8 miljarder kronor. Samtidigt ska stockholmarna med trängselskatterna, som skulle gå till utökad kollektivtrafik, dessutombetala för Förbifart Stockholm i c:a 30 år framöver. Det hade inte Stockholms invånare informerats om, och inte heller finansieringen av Slussen knystas det om från politikerhåll.

Varför inte titta på Plan B istället? "Slussen Plan B" är framtaget av oberoende arkitekter. Det förslaget kräver ingen detaljplaneändring. Det förslaget kostar ungefär hälften och skulle ta hälften så lång tid att bygga. Dessutom skulle "Slussen Plan B" göras etappvis till skillnad från "Nya Slussen" där Slussen med omnejd skulle vara avstängd i 8 år med omdirigerad kollektiv och biltrafik.

Jämförelser mellan förslagen:

Ombyggnationskostnad: 8 miljarder + bussterm
Byggtid: 8 år
Schaktmassor: 400 000kbm
Sprängmassor berg: 400 000kbm
Nya kontorshus Stadsgårn: 6
Nya hus Södermalmstorg: 3
Tid för byte Nackabuss – Tbana: 8,3 min

Ombyggnationskostnad: 4,5-5 miljarder
Byggtid: 4-4,5 år
Schaktmassor: 200 000kbm
Sprängmassor berg: 0
Nya kontorshus Stadsgårn: 0
Nya hus Södermalmstorg: 0
Tid för byte Nackabuss – Tbana: 2,8 min

Tiden är knapp, och vi måste börja avveckla vår verksamhet vid Slussen nu om vi inte får vara kvar längre än till sista september. Det verkar så fruktansvärt dumt och onödigt, att vi och andra hyresgäster åker ut innan staden ens vet vad de kan bygga!

Hjälp oss gärna att meddela Sten Nordin vad DU tycker om detta och skicka honom ett mail på:

Asta Kask - Handen på Hjärtat (CD Review)

Asta Kask
Handen på Hjärtat

(CD, Vinyl, iTunes, Spotify)

Review made from listen to CD and Spotify.

Before the release of the first Asta Kask studio record in seven years they warned us, some might be disappointed in the new direction this record will take. When Asta Kask say they will move in a new direction it might be laughable to most bands, because the new direction is done in millimeters not in kilometers. It´s so far from the Clashs new sound on every record you can get. It is parts of fractions of it. But the small changes feels like huge steps in the Asta Kask Universe. So consistent they have been. It is all there like before, the over distorted guitars, the fluid bass guitar swimming in the sound waves of the guitars, fast drumming that seems like it all over you ears and the razorblade voices. But something is different, a bit more melodic a bit more Trallpunk with its influences from Swedish folkmusic.

First tune is ”Världens räddaste land” (The Worlds most scared country) a spokingly, up to date, song about US foreign policy that generates more fear in the USA than security. Right from the first bar, it is like they want to build up this catchy tune with a dramatic intro riff to be a tune to last. I can feel they want to make both an classic Asta Kask record as well something new. The last they confirmed in interviews close to the release. There are tempo changes that we heard in “AB Böna och Be” for instance. The song is maybe a bit less angry and aggressive than expected. The whole record is, in comparison with the record before “En för alla ingen för nån”. And that is almost my only negative criticism about this record. It could been a bit more desperate and a bit less beautiful. Because in the second tune “Låt dom inte komma in” the lads seems like they wanna show that they can sing in a beautiful manner, the tune isn´t living up to normal Asta standard. Not that it is bad in any way. But Asta standards to me, is world class. The third tune “Sista Brevet” seems like it have borrowed some from big arena skate punk. That isn´t an A+ in my Asta Kask reference book. Not a bad tune but…well you get it. The same goes for “En Bättre Man”….WTF, have their hanging out with Mimikry resulted in Asta trying to sing in that Swedish folk music Trall punk manner that don’t suit them at all?  Song 5, “Folkets Armé” (People´s Army) is a rather silly tune about the Russian revolution and how it come to fail in an oppressing Communist dictatorship. If I wanted to be mean I would say they borrowed that tune from Sabbaton, but I am not a mean guy, am I? And fuck me if not that tune crawl under your skin after a while, and it will slowly possible make it all the way to the ones that I like.

Now on to the good stuff.

“Vredens Barrikad” (The Barricade of Wrath) is possible the Punk hit of 2013, WOW this is WHAT Asta Kask is about. About all the bitter and let down people that takes it out in street riots. One rock for every dream that disappeared. Wow, this is punk poetry at its best. It is beautiful and clever written. A tune that I can´t get enough of.

Then another history lesson tune, “Död åt er alla” (Death to you all), Think Robespierre and you will get the message. Not bad, it sticks after a few listenings.
After that, a tune that lyrically could be sequel, a part two, of last records “Än finns det hopp” (Still there is hope) but in this tune there is just a sad end. “Fredagsmys” deals with the subject of domestic violence. A rather sad and disturbing story, taken from any family where the man is beating the woman behind the closed doors. In this case witha lethal outcome. The song then ends with a catchy message to women to break away from men like that, which also makes me think of this song as a development of “Lasse Liten”. The cult classic tune of the bullied boy “Lasse” that in his desperation of being accepted dies in a car crash in front of them all. The oppressed that tries to get a piece of the cool. The rather childish, ironic but funny conclusion of “Lasse Liten” in the lalalala part is made much more mature in “Fredagsmys” but just as catchy.

En “Annan Väg” is a bit too Trallpunk to be a true Asta but it is good anyway.

“Jag Är En Idiot” is taking the album into the Asta Kask inferno of everything they are as band. It is like they climax here. Fast and furious, this is Asta Kask.

The closing “Tack För Allt” is good tune but way to much Trall-inspired to be at the end of this good second half of this record. At least according to my Universe.

All over this is a good record. Not as good as I hoped for, but I rank Asta Kask as one of the top bands in the world so bear that in mind. Still it is, so far, one of this year´s top records. And I am glad that Asta Kask sounds like Asta Kask and not followed The Clash way of totally change their ways.

Worth buying? Yes, One for your home, one for your car. 

The singles of Tim Timebomb a kind of review or something part 1 of 2

The singles of Tim Timebomb and Friends, a kind of review or something…Part 1 of 2
Part 1. The sad Part

Year of release, 2013

(Review made from listening from Spotify)

Rancid have been one of the most successful punk acts in modern times. Since the success with “…And Out Came The Wolves” album it seems like the band been trying to find the formula of success again. But not found it. On their spare time the key members Armstrong and Frederiksen trying on their own doing stuff to keep the fun and spirit alive. The Project Tim Timebombs and Friends isn´t anything else. Somewhere down the road Tim came up with the idea to make everything they recorded as a single. Haha, not funny. I guess he will collect it on an album later. Tim Armstrongs own little “Sandinista” if you so like. And I thank the music Gods that it wasn´t Rancid who did it. If Curt Corbain threw his copy of The Clash “Sandinista” in the wall, did I sit down and listened to it (Possibly why he is a music legend and I am not), or at least, tried to listen to it. Some of Sandinista is ghastly, and some of Tim Timebombs stuff are to. But not all of it. So here is the first part of my listening to all the singles published on Spotify. Which resulted in two purchased songs, Rocks Off and Browned Eyed Girl.

Arrested in Shanghai (2013)

Tim Armstrong cover himself in a layback acoustic version that ad some to the rather odd Rancid tune, after two listenings I like it.

Crazy man Crazy (2013)
A slow Rock a Billy tune (once recorded by Bill Haley) that you easily could laugh away as a joke but for some reason it sticks and I listen to it with some joy.

Go Lil Camaro Go (2013)
A silly little low produced Ramones tune that don´t make it. It didn´t made it to the hearts of the Ramones fans. In fact it was like Ramones did a parody on themselves. Tim felt he had to do a sloppy version of it…well what can I say…

Let Me Go (2013)
Acoustic and laidback, not your typical Rancid hit song but not bad at all, especially for moments of solitude. Here Armstrongs voice comes to its right.

Not to Regret (2013)
Acoustic and rhythmic Nick Cave type of arrangement, with a feeling of film noir in the lyrics, in the city of sin. But this one I think would benefit a lot from being a bit better produced

Nothin´ Shakin´ But The Leaves On The Trees (2013)
Possible a homage version to the great Johnny Cash in a rather Cashy smoking version. But the Original version with Eddie Fontaine as well as the covers with the Beatles and Billy Fury is to prefer-
Its charming in an innocent and cute way.

Rock This Joint (2013)
The 50ies vintage sound of this 50ies style of boogie woogie Bill Haley tune that get me in the feeling of being in a club somewhere in America back in the days. There is not much Tim Armstrong in it.

Rock With Clock (2013)
“Rock with the Clock” is pretty much as “Rock This Joint” but not as good or as cool produced.

Sittin´ On The Dock Of The Bay (2013)
Sorry to say that Tim Armstrong just destroy the Otis Redding tune, sounds like he is full of some chemicals and I wish I never listened to it.

To have And To Have Not (2013)
A sloppy and poorly produced version of the Billy Bragg tune that his Rancid band mate Lars Frederiksen have made to one of his big hits. I wonder why on Earth did he do this to himself. It makes him look like a total dork.

Black Derby Jacket (2013)
An OK acoustic version of the Rancid tune that was rather poor produced in the first place on the rather fucked up record “Rancid (5)”.

Dope Sick (2013)
One of Rancids classic tunes, here in a unplugged version like you can sometimes can hear Rancid playing in records stores etc.

No More Glow in the Moon (2013)
Out of tune and I wonder if he started to hang out with Pete Doherty.

Sittin´and Thinkin´ (2013)
A bluegrass tune that could been made by the Bad Seeds not to be mistaken for the 50ies Little Jr Parker and Mephis Slim hits. It´s hung over and slow, and a bit depressing…

Wild about you Baby (2013)
Distorted slide and piano in a honky tonk blues. Can´t help it but the head ace have sneaked upon me at this point. Why did you do this to me, to you and to us all? He is singing Good bye I hope I don´t see you no more, and I get the message.

Ain´t no Good Time (2013)
Thank God for a better produced tune. A reggae tune that isn´t bad at all. Not a classic but fair enough.

Do What You Want, Do What You Can (2013)
Possible is that cool to say to someone, but in reality…nnejaoouww…don´t do this at least. Hard to describe this shit song and its crappy production. Hipster shit, Possible.

Gentleman of the Road (2013)
Here Tim Armstrong climb back into the cellar where Nick Cave dwells. Not a bad tune. Not bad at all.

Love Is A Many Splendored Thing(2013)
Have nothin´ to do with that old cheesy tune. This is a straight “I hate you” punk tune played acoustic.
It´s not very fun in any way.

Protest Song (2013)
I protest! Why do you do this. It´s just Painful for us all. Acoustic and pointless.

Rocks Off (2013)
WOW FINALLY! Tim Rocks Off the Rolling Stones Exile on Mainstreet hit. In a ska version that’s makes me jump up on the floor for some bootstomping and skanking. Wow I didn´t see this coming. A GREAT VERSION. A must buy!

Turntable (2013)
A tired version of a Rancid tune that was sloppy produced in the first place.

Alone With You (2013)
A little Country maybe? Not at its worst but I don’t get it, why?

Browned Eyed Girl (2013)
Tim seems like been awaken on his best side and did a ska version of Van Morrisons classic hit. It is a great version of a great song. A must buy!

Guitar Polka (2013)
And Al Dexter country tune from the past. YOU ARE KIDDIN´ME, YOU MUST BE?

Hard Travelin´ (2013)
A Woody Guthery tune also covered by Pete Seeger. But…for fuck sake leave the country to Social Distortion that knows what to do with it.

Let My Love Open The Door (2013)
Must be an all time low of the Who´s Pete Townshead in the first place. Why do you Tim do it?
But Tim makes the tune a million times better than the original.

Isn´t it depressing? Be calm, there will be some light in the tunnel in the next part.

Jimmy Cliff - The Harder They Come

Jimmy Cliff - The Harder They Come (Jam)
From the Soundtrack "The Harder They Come" (1972)


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Klägg - ...lika opolerade som då... CD Review

...Lika opolerade som då...

DIY Album on CD
(Review written from listening to the CD)

It is unpolished and rather rough. The rather lo-fi, DIY album of Klägg, “…lika opolerade som då…” (…just as unpolished as then…) is pretty much as the album title claim, unpolished. It is both good and bad. The lo-fi production is not glorifying them in any way, Ill guess it´s like it was in the good old days when Klägg was founded (mid 80ies). And that is good, like a historic look in the mirror. But that is not the whole truth, because this is a really The Clash inspired pop/rock punk record with a bad sound. That is too bad. The songs deserved a bit more professional production. OK, the lads started the band when it was OK not being able to be great. But today bands are great. And so should Klägg be as well. The songs are excellent.
I think I can discover the marks of Turbo Hellman, drummer and song writer in DERBY STHLM and guitarist in Klägg, all over it. His love of the Clash can be traced in every song. And I wished they had put that into the production as well, instead of trying to sound as they once did or what they try to do with the rehearshal room punk sound.
Another bad thing is the singing isn´t as desperate it could be, to make this a great record. If you sing I hate you (Jag hatar dig) then you should sound like you´re really upset and full of hate. Give the singer a few punches in the nose to get him angry the Sex Pistols way instead of a pat on the back.

The songs are great. So well written, so full of classic punk rock. So well played, so full of “IT!”.
Some songs remind me a bit of Psykbryts, and still with an air of old Swedish 80ies punk “Vi hatar dig” could be on the next Psykbryt album.
Best songs? “Abdikerad” is a song that one of the best on record this year, where they quote Gen X/Billy Idols “Dancing with myself” in a very playful way. The closing “Sista Festen” is another pearl with a Clash/ Rancid vibe. “Rika barn leka bäst” is however in mine opinion lost in the mix, it could be a great summer hit, but is lost in the lo-fi production.

Should you buy this? Why not? Even if it isn´t perfect it has its punk qualities, very catchy and strong melodies that makes it for them.

Rocks Off - Tim Timebomb and Friends

Rocks Off - Tim Timebomb and Friends (US)
7" (2013)

R.I.P. Athuro Vega

Arthuro Vega, the creator of the iconic Ramones logo is dead.
Vega was a very close friend of the band and the man behind the Ramones graphics and stage lightning.
His legacy for punk rock design is monumental.

1948 - 2013
Read more

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Killing of the Firebird. DERBY STHLM and Charcoal at Nalen

Nalen is an old music dance hall in the city centre of Stockholm originally buildt in 1888. It had it´s haydays between 1930ies to 1960ies. Here the Swedish Jazz scene had one of its Meccas. In the basement there is a smaller stage and bar, often with punk clubs. Since club profile and Dj, Pelle “Kool Junk” Jansson left for England, the place have been having a more low kea profile in the punk scene. DERBY STHLM and Charcoal was the last nights two band on stage.

A bad day to have a concert, because Sweden was playing a qualifying game for FIFA World Cup at the same time, people was more or less glued to the TV sets. And it was a bank holiday on Thursday as well so many had left town for a few days taking the Friday off.
So there could been a lot more people at the gig. But the spirit was good among the people that was there. A nice time over a few pints as always in the Swedish punk scene.

First band on stage was Charcoal, I had never heard them before and they did nothing to make me want hear them again. I don´t like to slag a band but I found nothing in them that pleased me. I wasn´t really impressed. They weren´t really dull but played most of their material a bit too slow and lame. I got a bad feeling when they started to introduce them self as playing “Gubbrock” (old man´s rock), a rather negative label. And then they did few attempts to break away from the label but seems like they was satisfied to be mediocre. Please don´t do that when you share stage with DERBY. The songs wasn´t catchy and I think they wanted to be a more complicated than they were. The only highlight during the set was when they did cover Fo Fighters “Monkey Wrench”, then they were like different band, why didn´t you play everything like that? Well, I guess they got their fans, but I can´t be added to them.

During the DERBY STHLM set a whole lot of anger and frustration was built up in guitarist and singer Uffe. It started from the beginning with pleads from the band to the sound man about this and that. Too little, too much blah blah, and the rather good sound of Charcoal was gone. And the animosity against sound man grow up until the end. Angry looks from Uffe up to the mixing board was through it all a part of the concert. Too bad they couldn´t focus on the music, instead of the bad things. But DERBY STHLM isn´t that way. They are unpredictable, often in a funny way. No way, the lads of DERBY STHLM will go on stage like a day at the office. It is all in or nothing! It is as uncompromising in a Jim Morrison way, the original punk way. And it ended with Uffe smashing his Gibson. Not in a posed rock star way, more of a gross misconduct way. I saw it coming but was left unable to do anything about it. It hurt to watch it, I know that that guitar meant to him. But when the beer drinkers from hell go onstage with their feelings on the sleeves of their shirts, this is what could happen.
The sound wasn’t good, but it wasn´t bad either. But it became loud, very loud. The tinnitus after was epic.

They played their standard set of songs minus the Tredje könet covers. And a really old song that I never heard before, few had. The new written “Tabula Rasa” tune wasn´t played and I guess we have to wait a bit more for it. I have never heard they play so fast before and I don´t know if it suited their songs. Maybe the anger and frustration was put in every bar they played. Was it any good? Yes, not at it´s best but good enough, some how everything was overshadowed by the guitar smashing, which wasn´t right. Because it wasn´t what the concert was about. I came to think of Paul Simonons classic frustrated smashing of his bass guitar, made famous by Penny Smith and became the London Calling cover, and a scene in the Sham 69 in China documentary, a rather sour moment that got to the Sham band. But in the end I think this was just another day in a band that do their stuff their way during a rather common concert night, that now will be remembered in the DERBY STHLM folklore for the killing of the FIREBIRD.

Worth the money? 100SEK, Yes at least DERBY STHLM and the people who were there did the night. So said my Girlfriend as well.

Worth the money for Uffe? I doubt it.


Friday, June 7, 2013

DERBY STHLM - Resa med klass

DERBY STHLM - Resa med klass (Swe)
From the 5 song EP "Den moderna tidens pirater" (2012)


Troublemakers - Kleptoman

Troublemakers - Kleptoman (Swe)
From the album "Kleptoman" (2003)

When USA turnes into East Germany

Asta Kasks single from the new album is a tune about the worlds most scared country, "Världens räddaste land". It´s about US foreign policy that turned USA to a scared place, where people just wait for the violence to happen. Like if Asta Kask had a crystal ball (not the first time) the news gives them right. USA authorities are monitoring it´s population in an East German, Chineese way, ala Joseph McCarthy. Surpriced? No!


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Steppin´Razors Autralian Ska, Reggae n Rocksteady

Steppin´Razors (Aus)

Agnostic Front’s Vinnie Stigma To Publish Children’s Book Called “I Thought You Were My Friend”

The New York band Agnostic Fronts guitarist Vinnie Stigma is to publish a childrens book. A rather street wise, mean streets of New York story intended for children from 3-7 years old.

Read more


Punx on the Swedish charts

Ive seen the amount of people getting to the local punk shows in Stockholm increase little more from time to time. This spring have seen an number of good punk rock albums and EPs being released. And the trend with vinyl records have attracted some to buy records again. Heavy Swedish old timers like Attentat, Asta Kask and Alonzo have been seen on the bigger stages. Just as English legends as Stiff Little Finger went here for the first time in ages. Punk rock is adwakening.

And that is now seen in the charts as well. The latest example is Fabriken, Vänsternäven, DefiXions and Roger Karlsson have all climbed the SVENSKA NÄRRADIONLISTAN charts. I can´t remember when so many punkrelated bands climed the charts, maybe it never happened before. Well you got your chance to vote for them as well.

Rukorna - Folkmelodi

Rukorna - Folkmelodi

Asta Kask - Folkmelodi (Rukorna cover)

Asta Kask - Folkmelodi (Rukorna cover)

Ligisterna - Folkmelodi (Rukorna cover) - Stampen

Ligisterna - Folkmelodi (Rukorna cover)


The Devotchkas - One Sided Society

Devotchkas - One Sided Society (US)
From the album "Annihilation" (2000)


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

30 years since Prince Charles declined going to a UK Subs concert.

From UK Subs official homepage.

Alison Blake - Nasty Date

Alison Blaire - Nasty Date (Swe)
From the compilation "Turist i tillvaron vol 6" (2013) 

Ligisterna - Gravöl (Köttgrottorna cover)

Ligisterna - Gravöl (Swe)
From the Köttgrottorna tribute "Köttgrottorna 30 år" (2013)


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Road, to God Know Where, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds documentary

From 1990

Rancid - Fall Back Down / Apocalypstick - ,,,And Out Came The Covers (Lets have a Rancid Tuesay)

Let´s have a Rancid Tuesday

Rancid - Fall Back Down (US)
From the album "Indestructible" (2003)

Apocalypstick - Olympia WA (Rancid Cover) (US)
From the Rancid tribute "...And Out Come The Covers" (2003)


Planet Trash - Praktiskt taget död

Planet Trash - Prakiskt taget död (Swe)
From the compilation "Turist i tillvaron vol 6" (2013)


Monday, June 3, 2013

Ligisterna - Panik

Ligisterna - Panik (Swe)
From the compilation "Tutist i tillvaron vol 6" (2013)

Back to normal again

Back to norrmal again, last saturdays Asta Kasks record release and Asta Kask / Alonzo Fas 3 concert was probably one of this summers highlights. Too bad its over but a good start on the summer. But there will always be new surprices around the next corner. Both in Sweden and around the globe. What is feeling good at the moment, is that the punks more and more seems united and less divided. Of course, there will always be a few elitists, secteristic genre nerds, assholes and punk police, but it seems like they are more and more isolated in their sillyness.  And we come together on music and attitude.

Lately there been some new readers of this blog, I welcome you wherever you might come from. Keep up the reading and I will try to keep up the posting...

Im a bit behind my planning so I will spend June to catch up....
                                 OMG how did I end up doing this? It wasn´t planned at all.

Punk Eriksson

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Asta Kask and Alonzo Fas 3 at Debaser Slussen (Live review)

Asta Kask (first ever releasepaerty) with
Asta Kask and Alonzo Fas 3 onstage.
at Debaser Slussen, Stockholm

All good summers are defined by a certain event or party in the beginning of it. You know when all is right. Last night the sun decided to take a break and give away for the rain. The rain took a break in time for us to show up at the Debaser Slussen outdoor bar for a beer before the in advance sold out concert with Asta Kask at their release party of their new album “Handen på hjärtat”, with Alonzo Fas 3 as support. The weather didn´t look like it was this night the summer parties started. But the band that played last night did have a word in it, they made it happened. I spoke a few words with Micke Alonzo before the gig and he seemed very relaxed. As the crowd started to gather up for entering the concert area inside the club the amount of punk rock stars teamed up in numbers, Troublemakers, Psykbryt, Baboon Show, Ligisterna, Nasum… you name it. This magic moment no one wanted to miss. But many did to their anoyment missed it. Note, that Kiss played for 50 000 at Friends Arena and there was a punk festival going on in town at the same time.

Alonzo Fas 3  
The concert started with the KSMBs album “Rika barn leka bäst” intro then they went into “602” and then the party was on. I can´t say I ve heard them better onstage. The band was perfect tight, the sound good and the connection between the crowd and the band was there from the first chord. Even the new song “Matilda” that I´ve been a bit doubtful about, was in its right element. There was no question that a record means a lot to a band like this, to any band. All the new songs got sing a´longs after the record was released last month. People were now familiar with the new songs. The mosh pit was on and I bet there was more sweat there than in the Stockholm Marathon than had been going on the same morning. The crowd response seems to trigger the men on stage to an excellent job.
“Dörrterror”, “Klockan 8”, “Det förlovade landet”, “Dansa som en fjäril”, “Det bästa som hänt” etc.
In between Alonzo get personal and told us that he was a battered kid in his childhood. I realize that the stage persona Alonzo can talk about matters that might be harder to tell in person a bit like theraphy. And I think it´s one of the reasons he and the band have gotten from good to great.
The crowd demanded an encore in a very loud way. And so they did. With Blomman from Troublemakers, Micke and Bonni from Asta Kask doing “Aomreaggae (Harrisburg)”  and “Jag vill dö” as rather chaotic numbers all in the tradition of punk all the legends on stage brought to us a long time ago,
a perfect start to the evening.

Asta Kask
Asta Kask got a gigant moshpit from the first down stroke on the distorted guitars. Like Asta kask was here to prove that they are the main band of Swedish old school punk. It was already sweaty and full of adrenaline in the moshpit when Alonzo Fas 3 went off stage, Asta just turned up the heat a bit. Got some more to join the pit. “Psykiskt instabil”, TVn” and more did the job, Just to cool it down a bit with a bunch of new songs that most people never heard before.  Due to technical problems the Spotify release of the new album “Handen på hjärtat” wasn´t up until a few hours before the concert. And the most new songs were unfamiliar to me so I didn´t went berserk during them, but I backed off a bit to look upon them with a bit of others glasses. On stage I could see a band that have grown from a 2:30 fast tune kängpunk band to a band that could be a big stage main band. The new songs was like they were having a big stage in mind for the epic concerts . And possible will that be so when people know the new songs. What made me go berserk was “Inget ljus” and in the moshpit I thought, if I die of a heart attack now it would be great. “Patriarkatet”, “AB böna och be” and “Psykopaten” made people sing along like they never done anything else. Like “Dom får aldrig mig” steered up violent pogoing.
 The old crowd pleasers got the crowd sing a long in a volume that was incredible “Especially during the slower “Psykopaten”. I never heard such loud calls for encores like last night. That’s when the stage diving began. And the band invited ex band members to join them on stage. “Ringhals Brinner”, “Vill inte va med” was excellent crowd pleasers. Even if they played a long set, they left out tunes like “Lasse liten”.

But we wanted more. The whole crowd demanded a second encore, that, the
band hadn´t planned for…so they made a lottery where members of the audience could pick a song written on a bit of paper. “hjärndöd” was one of them.

And so…
Outside the sweaty club, in the outdoor bar, the party was in full bloom, but as much I enjoyed the moment, the perfect start of the summer, I also felt numb and empty, now it was all over. Others said they wanted to find another party or club to keep them in that terrific mood. I doubt they did found that.

Worth the money, 180SEK?  I can´t help feel like I wanna do it again, and again and again.

Asta Kask - Handen på hjärtat (album)


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Lou Read near death!

Rock legend and the grand father of Punk, Lou Reed been taken to hospital for a liver transplant ealier this month. According to his wife, the Performance artist Laurie Andersson, Lou Reed nearly died.

Laurie Andersson don´t think he will fully recover from it, but at least the 71 year old Velvet Underground singer will be alive.


Asta Kask - TVn

Asta Kask - TVn (Swe)
From the album "Med is i magen" (1985)


Asta Kask - Vill Inte Va Med

After the break up in the mid eighties, they claimed they did break up due to the elitism that grown into the punk movement, they all of a sudden did strike the punk world with atstonishment by realising their first studio album in 20 years in 2006, "En för alla ingen för nån"
and what a comeback that was...

Asta Kask - Vill Inte Va Med (Swe)
From the album "En för alla ingen för nån"

Asta Kask- Handen på Hjärtat album teaser 2013

Teaser from the First Asta kask studio album in 7 years.
Release party tonight at Debaser Slussen Stockholm.

Support act the excellent band  Alonzo Fas 3

Be there or be elsewhere.
